Richard Kimble is the perennial fall guy for local miscreants

The Patsy

As Fate would have it, Richard Kimble seems condemned to perpetually take the blame for crimes he does not commit. His wife's murder is only the first in a long string of robberies, assaults and killings that Kimble's name gets linked to. In every town he visits, there seem to be some local miscreants who are just waiting for a stranger with a police record to show up so they can make him the fall guy for their nefarious plan. Frequently, the schemer is an evil seductress, such as Angie Dickinson in BRASS RING, who seems to take a fancy to Kimble, but really is only setting him up to take the rap when she and her boyfriend murder her invalid brother and steal his money. Fortunately for Kimble, the incredible bad luck that lands him in these deadly situations is matched stroke for stroke by an amazing providence which saves him each time at just the right moment, and he is exonerated in every case — eventually even including that first, most fateful crime, the murder of his wife, of course. The only apparent exception to this pattern is the hit-and-run accident Kimble is accused of causing in THE 2130; oddly, there is never any mention of how this case gets resolved, though it's clear that Kimble is innocent here, too.


Created and maintained by Joseph Rosenzweig,